第85回研究談話会(Lampang Manmart氏)開催

「 Metadata Development for Palm Leaf Manuscripts (PLMs) in Thailand 」
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lampang Manmart (筑波大学知的コミュニティ基盤研究センター 外国人客員研究員, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
平成24年4月20日 (金) 15:15~16:15
筑波大学 筑波キャンパス 春日エリア 情報メディアユニオン3階 共同研究会議室1
The main objective of this research is, to develop metadata scheme for the management of digitized PLMs to increase efficiency in the search, access, management and use. The development was done based on the special characteristics of PLMs, contents and its user community' use behavior and needs. The research framework was constructed based on Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) model developed by International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), while the metadata development process was developed on the concept of Metadata Life Cycle Model (MLM). Thus, there were three main parts in this study: (1) analysis of the user needs and expectations with respect to the manuscripts, of the requirements for managing collections of palm leaf manuscripts, and of physical structure and content of palm leaf manuscripts; (2) development of a metadata schema based on the results of these analyses; and (3) implementation and evaluation of the final metadata schema. The prototype of PLM management system was developed to implement the PLMM to test and evaluate the usefulness of PLMM for access to PLM original copies and their content and for managing PLM digital collection. The finding suggests that the perception of the PLMM usefulness is relatively significant with users' experience with the PLM. The PLM metadata schema (PLMM) consisted of 76 properties (34 core elements and 42 element refinements) to describe all versions and formats of the PLM. It can support both user tasks in searching for the PLMs and the collection management tasks. PLMM can dominantly express and describe the special characteristics and content of Thai Palm Leaf Manuscripts. However, the metadata schema was implemented in real practical PLM collections in three organizations in Thailand: the cultural center of Khon Kaen University, The ancient document and scripts division, the National Library King Rama IX, NakornRatchasima and the Palm Leaf Manuscripts preservation projects of Mahasarakham University and Chiang Mai University for two years. Then the researchers have evaluated and reconstructed the Metadata element structure according to the opinions of users, the collection mangers, information professors, and experts in metadata development area. The new metadata element set is composed of 18 classes and 48 properties or 18 core elements and 30 element refinements.

備考 Notes