spectrum iconEPR-Spectrum Simulation

You can simulate EPR spectrum for the desired conditions. This enables you to directly compare your experimental spectrum with that of reference in the literature. The simulation is based on "EPRFD" (Field-swept EPR experiment) option of EPR-NMR© program.

Example: G6 in Si (+1 divacancy, S=1/2)
rotation plane: (0-11)
simulated at 9.452 GHz

Also refer to the example in Angular-Map Simulation.

EPR-Spectrum Simulation for any crystal orientation and frequency
EPR-Spectrum Simulation for any crystal orientation and frequency
EPR-Spectrum Simulation for any crystal orientation and frequency

To perform your simulation, please try the following procedures.

Step 1. Click "category" to display Spin-Hamiltonian Parameter List.

Step 2. Click "Spectrum" or "Spec.all".
"Spec.all" command calculates all files in the selected folder. However, the files including a special command ("hfsOnly") will not be calculated by "Spec.all".

Step 3. Input simulation conditions and push "Run" button.

Step 4. You get the result.